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1. Wang Honghong, Zhuokan, Ye Weimin, Liao Jinling*. Morphological and molecular charaterisation of Pratylenchus parazeae n. sp. (Nematoda: Pratylenchidae) parasitizing sugarcane in China. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2015, 143 (1): 173-191. (SCI IF 5 years = 1.657)

2. Wang Honghong, Zhuokan*, Liao Jinling. Morphological and molecular characterization of Pratylenchus hippeastri, a new record of root-lesion nematode associated with apple in China. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 2016, 48 (3): 665-671. (SCI IF 5 years = 0.525)

3.     Li LuoyeLei Mengying, Wang Honghong, Yang Xiaozhu, Mebeaselassie A*, Huang Shaobin*. First Report of Dieback Caused by Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae on Ormosiapinnata in China. Plant Disease. 2020, 104: 2551-2555. (SCI IF 5 years = 3.95)

4. 王宏洪申东黄少彬,卓侃,廖金铃竹子根际螺旋线虫中国新记录种——尖尾螺旋线虫Helicotylenchuscuspicaudatus[J]. 植物保护, 2018, (2): 75-80.

5. 王宏洪,黄少彬,杨晓朱,廖金铃,地稔根际根腐线虫的形态和分子鉴定[J]. 热带作物学报,2018, 1820-1826.

6. 王宏洪廖金铃竹子寄生线虫种类及其分布概况[J], 林业科学研究,2018, 159-167.

7. 雷梦英杨晓朱李落叶,匡蓉琳李馥纯莫介羽黄少彬广东火龙果果柄腐烂病病原菌的分离及鉴定[J]. 广东农业科学, 2018, (3): 94-98.

8. 雷梦英,杨贤智,黄少彬柑橘黄龙病菌与柑橘根系关系研究进展[J广东农业科学, 2018, 45(5): 58-64.

9. 杨晓朱黄少彬雷梦英匡蓉琳王宏洪李馥纯莫介羽孙思气流对广东侵染性林木病害发生的影响[J]. 林业与环境科学, 2017, 33(3): 57-60.

10. 黄少彬武三安李落叶王宏洪藜蒴木珠蚧(半翅目蚧总科木珠蚧科)的初步研究[J]. 环境昆虫学报, 2018, 40(2): 314-317.

11. 黄少彬武三安王宏洪李落叶条粉蚧属1个中国新记录种——帕劳条粉蚧[J]. 林业与环境科学, 2018, 34(2): 113-115.

12. 黄少彬,方天松,雷梦英,陈东明,林晓珠,李落叶*.我国发现一新入侵蜡蚧:三列鬃软蚧(半翅目,蚧总科,蜡蚧科)环境昆虫学报2020,4: 847-850

13. 李落叶黄少彬,杨晓朱,王宏洪,李樨导师制在高职院校的探索和实践知识经济 202006:109-110

14. 叶云、黄少彬*木瓜秀粉蚧的生物学初步研究,发明与创新,2020.5,

15. 庄翠菊,黄少彬*矿物油200倍与3种生物药剂混配防治木瓜秀粉蚧的试验效果初探,发明与创新,2020.6.

16. 匡蓉琳黄少彬杨晓朱雷梦英广州白云山常见树种病害及其防治[J]. 花卉, 2018, 14: 289-290.

17. 匡蓉琳黄少彬杨晓朱雷梦英林业有害生物标本采集、制作和保存方法研究[J]. 花卉, 2018, 8: 245-246.

18. Chen Huayan, Yao Jiemin *Huang Shaobin, Pang Hong. Ophelimus bipolaris sp. n. (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae), a New Invasive Eucalyptus Pest and Its Host Plants in China. Insects. 2021: 12(9):778.

19. Chen Jiansong, Lin Borong, Huang Qiuling, Hu Lili, ZhuoKan*, Liao Jinling*. A novel Meloidogyne graminicola effector, MgGPP, is secreted into host cells and undergoes glycosylation in concert with proteolysis to suppress plant defenses and promote parasitism. PLoS Pathogens, 2017, 13 (4): e1006301 (SCI IF 5 years = 7.456)

20. ZhuoKan, Chen Jiansong, Lin Borong, Wang Jing, Sun Fengxia, Hu Lili, Liao Jinling*. A novel Meloidogyne enterolobii effector MeTCTP promotes parasitism by suppressing programmed cell death in host plants. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2017, 18 (1): 45-54. (SCI IF 5 years = 5.272) ESI高被引论文,201710月检索】

21. Tao Ye, XuChunling, Yuan Chunfen, Wang Honghong, Lin Borong, ZhuoKan*, Liao Jinling*. Meloidogyne aberrans sp. nov. (Nematoda: Meloidogynidae), a new root-knot nematode parasitizing kiwifruit in China. PLoS ONE, 2017, 12(8): e0182627. (SCI IF 5 years = 3.394)

22. Liu Xingtong, Wang Honghong, Lin Borong, Tao Ye, ZhuoKan*, Liao Jinling. Loop-mediated isothermal amplification based on the mitochondrial COI region to detect Pratylenchus zeae. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2017, 148: 435-446. (SCI IF 5 years = 1.657)

23. Chen Jiansong, Hu Lili, Sun Longhua, Lin Borong , Huang Kun , ZhuoKan , Liao Jinling*. A novel Meloidogyne graminicola effector, MgMO237, interacts with multiple host defence-related proteins to manipulate plant basal immunity and promote parasitism[J]. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2018,19 (8): 1942-1955. (SCI IF 5 years = 4.964)

24. ZhuoKan; Liu XingTong; Tao Ye; Wang HongHong; Lin BoRong; Liao JinLing*. Morphological and molecular characterisation of three species of Paratylenchus Micoletzky, 1922 (Tylenchida: Paratylenchidae) from China, with a first description of the male P. rostrocaudatus. Nematology, 2018, 20(9): 837-850. (SCI IF 5 years = 1.149)

25. Chihang Cheng, Jialing Qin, Choufei Wu, Mengying Lei, Yongjun Wangliqin Zhang*. Suppressing a plant?parasitic nematode with fungivorous behavior by fungal transformation of a Bt cry gene. Microbial Cell Factories, 2018, 17:116. (SCI IF 5 years = 4.295)

26. Wu Sanan, Huang Shaobin, Dong Qingang. First records of the family Xylococcidae (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha) in China, with description of a new species[J]. Zootaxa, 2017, 4312(3):547-556.

27. Lin Borong#, ZhuoKan#, Chen Shiyan, Hu Lili, Sun Longhua, Wang Xiaohong, Zhang Lian-Hui*, Liao Jinling*. A novel nematode effector suppresses plant immunity by activating host reactive oxygen species-scavenging system. New Phytologist, 2016, 209: 1159-1173. (SCI IF 5 years = 7.837)

28. ZhuoKan, Chen Jiansong, Lin Borong, Wang Jing, Sun Fengxia, Hu Lili, Liao Jinling. A novel Meloidogyne enterolobii effector MeTCTP promotes parasitism by suppressing programmed cell death in host plants. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2016, 18(1): 45-54. (SCI IF 5 years = 4.54)

29. 刘星彤林柏荣廖金铃,卓侃环介导等温扩增法(LAMP)检测最短尾短体线虫[J]. 华中农业大学学报, 2018, (6): 17-24.

30. 扈丽丽王宏洪陶冶,廖金铃中国新纪录种——东京伞滑刃线虫(Bursaphelenchustokyoensis)[J]. 热带作物学报, 2017, (11):2124-2128.

31. 卓侃林柏荣王宏洪廖金铃. 3D模型在线虫学教学中的应用[J]. 黑龙江畜牧兽医, 2018, 1: 244-246.

32. 程颖慧王颖杨晓朱章桂明冯建军汪莹基质辅助激光解吸/电离飞行时间质谱法鉴定检疫性病菌炭疽菌[J]. 广东农业科学, 2018, 45(7): 100-104.

33. 扈丽丽卓侃林柏荣廖金铃*. 植物寄生线虫效应蛋白功能分析方法的研究进展[J]. 中国生物工程杂志, 2016, 36(2): 101-108.

34. 扈丽丽卓侃林柏荣陈海燕廖金铃*. 爪哇根结线虫Mj-1-1基因的克隆、鉴定及RNAi表型分析[J]. 植物病理学报, 2017, 1: 75-81.

35. 卓侃廖金铃*. 植物线虫分子鉴定研究进展[J]. 植物保护, 2015, 41: 1-8.

36. 王胜坤黄华毅李琨渊黄少彬*,中国红树林一种新害虫——秋茄蛎盾蚧中国森林病虫[J]. 2021.1:28-31

37. Wu Sanan, Huang Shaobin, Liang Chuanguan. Description of a new species of KermicusNewstead (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha:Pseudococcidae) from bamboo in southeast China.Zootaxa.2020, 4859 (3): 440–450

38. Yin ML, Chen HX, He YZ, Gao X, Huang SB, Wang J. Disease Note: First Report of Fusariumoxysporum Causing Fusarium Dieback on Archidendronclypearia in China. Plant Disease. 2020.

39. Lin B , Wang H ,  Kan Z , et al. Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification for the Detection of Tylenchulus semipenetrans in Soil[J]. Plant Disease, 2016, 100(5),877-883.

40. Lin B, Tao Y, Wang H, et al. Duplex real-time quantitative PCR for simultaneous detection and quantification of Pratylenchus neglectus and P. thornei[J]. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2020(157): 185-196.

41. Gu J, Maria M, Fang Y, Wang H, Zhuo K. A new cystoid nematode, Cryphodera japonicum n. sp. (nematoda: heteroderidae), from the rhizosphere of japanese Podocarpus macrophyllus. Nematology, 2020, 22(8), 1-15.